
Keeping candy out of the house is becoming more and more popular as we become increasingly aware of how bad sugar is for our kids. We also know how much fun it can be to give and receive candy too. So here at switcheroo Kangaroo, it’s our mission to help parents and kids live long happy healthy lives. This is why we are here to spread the word that there is a magical kangaroo out there. He is the Switcheroo Kangaroo! He actually switches your candy for something dandy! That’s right, all you have to do is put your candy in his pouch and leave him out overnight and in the morning an awesome surprise will be in it’s place!  Remember the more candy you give the better the surprise will be!

Switcheroo Kangaroo comes with a fun filled story that tells you all about how an ordinary kangaroo came to be the magical Switcheroo Kangaroo that he is today! We hope that your family will enjoy this tradition as much as we have!  Full Disclosure: There is no magic happening here, parents will facilitate the switching candy out for a toy.